After the Bell

Before and after school activities are offered to students over four sessions -- fall, winter and spring and one mini-session. 


Chess Club

Students learn and practice the game of chess. A beginner program is offered to teach new students the game and advanced level lessons are also available. Several local tournaments are offered including an annual one with Riverfield. A year-end tournament and awards breakfast celebrates the group’s accomplishments.


Healthy Kids Before and After Care Program

Healthy Kids is excited to announce our new partnership with Fairfield Public Schools for the 2024-2025 school year.


Odyssey of the Mind (Pending Volunteers)

Teams of five to seven students meet weekly from November through March to compete in an international creative problem-solving competition. The state-level competition takes place in March.


Running Club (Pending Volunteers)

This fun, non-competitive club prepares third and fourth grade students for the 4th grade one-mile run given as part of the Fitness Assessment. Students will learn good running form, pace-setting, stretching and more. Running Club is held before school in the spring and fall.

Upcoming Events

